Marilyn Moss
Marilyn Moss
Prenatal, breech, post partum, infant, and family care:
Specializing in non-force, myofascial and cranial techniques
Prenatal, breech, post partum, infant, and family care:
Specializing in non-force, myofascial and cranial techniques
Hula season ramping up for spring 2018!!
1)Thursday, March 8th, 2018
Rio Theater, Santa Cruz
George Kahumoku, Ledward Ka'apana, Jeff Peterson
Hawaiian slack key masters in concert together!
Dances by Kuhai Halau O Mehana Pa 'Olapa Kahiko (Dr Moss' halau)
and Te Hau Nui halau, both of Santa Cruz county
2)*Wedsnesday, May 30th, 2018
Villa Montalvo Carriage House
Nathan Aweau and Kawika Kahiapo
Again, two great Hawaiian musicians join forces!
Nathan's falsetto is deep, rich, silky, and his stage presence is phenomenal.
Kawika is old school, beautiful and rich in his lyrics and vocals.
Dancing by Kuhai Halau O Mehana Pa 'Olapa Kahiko again!!
This is a don't miss show!! It will sell out!
Hope to see you folks at some of these great performances! All family oriented and encouraged!