When a family deals with cancer treatment decisions, it is often a time of high stress, fear, lots of new information to digest in a short period of time, and decisions to be made re: the most appropriate and effective care. Traditional chemotherapy, alternative care, integrative care... how do you know which is the right course to take? How do you even begin to find out and evaluate what's best for you?
I have experienced this process both up close and from afar with numerous people. The resources below have been most highly recommended to me in this process. The bottom line in all the whirlwind that occurs, is that the cancer patient themselves feel comfortable and solid with whichever treatment regimen is decided on. These resources are listed in the hopes that they help in the critical decision making process, and bring healing, reassurance and peace of mind to individuals and families who are dealing with cancer.
Dr Dwight Mckee is an integrative oncologist who does phone consultation work. He is one of the preeminent integrative oncologists in the country, and have a vast network of expert colleagues with whom he coordinates treatment plans. Very highly recommended.
Integrative center for persons in cancer care who want to optimize the holistic therapies available which complement their traditional care. Dr McKee highly recommends this center.
Non toxic and less toxic modalities available in lieu of traditional chemotherapy. Their website has a great deal of information re: their facility, protocols, success rates, etc.
Blessings to those of you reading this blog and searching for this info because you are having to make these decisions. Thanks to those of you who pass these resources on to those in need.